Ready in

25 minutes



Servings per

4 people


  • 30ml seed oil or sesame oil
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 small fennel or half of a large one
  • 1 white onion
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 lemongrass stalk
  • 2cm ginger
  • 2 Vegan Shreds with sea flavor
  • 5g sesame seeds
  • High-quality teriyaki sauce
  • 10g fresh coriander or parsley


Welcome to the recipe for Vegan Shreds with sea flavor with Oriental Vegetables with Ginger, Garlic, and Lemongrass and Teriyaki Sauce! This vegan dish offers an explosion of Asian flavors, combining the intensity of ginger and garlic with the freshness of lemongrass and the enveloping taste of teriyaki sauce.
Prepare for a unique culinary experience, where crunchy vegetables meet vegan tuna to create a perfect balance of flavors and textures. Decorate the dish with sesame seeds for a crunchy touch and fresh coriander leaves for a note of freshness.
Serve immediately and let yourself be transported by the enveloping and aromatic tastes of this vegan creation that embodies the richness of oriental cuisine. Enjoy your meal!


Planext Tonno Vegano 1

Peel the ginger and garlic, remove the outer layer of the lemongrass and flatten it with a knife before finely chopping them together.

Planext Tonno Vegano 2

In a non-stick pan, heat the seed oil or sesame oil over very low heat and sauté the aromatics for 2-3 minutes. Clean all the vegetables and cut them into diagonal strips or julienne.

ricetta tonno vegano

Raise the heat and stir-fry all the vegetables for 3-5 minutes until they become crispy but slightly golden.

ricetta tonno vegano

Arrange the vegetables in the center of deep plates, pressing them lightly with a round or square food ring.

Tonno Vegano

Place the vegan tuna on top and sprinkle everything with sesame seeds.

Tonno Vegano

Garnish with high-quality teriyaki sauce and some fresh coriander or parsley leaves. Serve immediately and enjoy this vegan dish that combines oriental flavors and freshness!

Our suggestion

Our suggestion

It would be fantastic to use a high-temperature wok for perfect cooking, but if you choose a non-stick pan, you can reduce the use of oil while still maintaining the delicious taste of your favorite dishes. With a non-stick pan, you can enjoy the flavors without worrying too much about excess calories, making every meal a light and satisfying experience.