Ready in

25 min



Servings per

4 people


  • 1 large eggplant
  • 1 lemon

Per la salsa:

  • ½ package of Vegrà Veg pâté French style
  • 1 lime
  • 1 ripe Brazilian mango
  • 10ml of almond milk
  • 2cm of ginger
  • Olive oil
  • 4 taralli


Welcome to the world of eclectic flavors and unforgettable culinary experiences with our delicious Vegan Foie Gras with Eggplant Fillet, Ginger Mango Sauce and Taralli Crumble!

This dish, both an appetizer and a second course, enchants the senses with surprising and contrasting flavors. The aubergine, delicately blanched and served with a touch of freshness, pairs perfectly with the sliced Vegrà Veg paté and the vibrant mango and ginger sauce. Everything is completed by the irresistible crunchiness of the taralli and toasted cashews. An unmissable tasting experience that will take you on a journey of culinary pleasure! Enjoy your meal!


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Cut the eggplant lengthwise into 4 parts and bring a pot of water to a boil without salt, adding a halved lemon.

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Boil the eggplant slices for 10 minutes, then place them on the grill to drain.

FoisGras Vegan

When the eggplant is still warm but not hot, remove the skin.

FoisGras Vegan

Clean the mango and blend it with a pinch of salt, almond milk, and the juice of 1/4 lime, along with some grated lime zest, or chop it finely with a knife and then mix it with salt, oil, almond milk, and lime juice.

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Pulite il pezzetto di zenzero, grattugiatelo finemente e spremetelo, schiacciandolo con le dita come una fetta di limone, assaggiando man mano fino a ottenere il gusto desiderato.

FoisGras Vegan

Once cooled, turn the eggplant with the dark side up and gently press it with your hands.

FoisGras Vegan

Tagliate il foie gras vegan a fette spesse circa 4mm e disponetele sopra la melanzana.

FoisGras Vegan

Decorate il foie gras vegan con la salsa di mango.

FoisGras Vegan

Sbriciolate i taralli sopra il tutto, decorate con delle foglie di coriandolo o prezzemolo e aggiungete un goccio di buon olio d’oliva.
Servite subito e gustate questo piatto raffinato e dalle note contrastanti!