Ready in

30 minutes


Very Easy

Servings per

4 people


  • 2 Pink Vegan Fillets with sea flavor
  • Half a purple cabbage (about 300g)
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 50ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 small potato
  • 2 slices of rustic bread
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • 1 lemon


Welcome to the world of vegan flavors with our incredible Vegan Salmon with Purple Cabbage Cream and Toasted Bread Crumble with Rosemary and Lemon!
This dish not only delights the palate with refined flavors but also with a visual atmosphere that captures attention. Imagine yourself sitting at the table, surrounded by friends and family, enjoying every bite of this culinary creation. You will be surprised by the richness of flavors and contrasts of this vegan delicacy! Enjoy your meal!


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Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage and cut it into strips. Heat 20/30ml of extra virgin olive oil in a pot and crush 2 garlic cloves into it.

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Add the purple cabbage, rosemary, diced potato, and a pinch of salt, then cook everything over low heat with 200ml of water for about 20 minutes, checking the liquid level from time to time. If it evaporates too much, add more.


When the cabbage is soft, blend it with a little water until you get a smooth and homogeneous cream. Adjust with salt and pepper.


Cut the bread into cubes and toast it in a pan with a drizzle of oil. Once golden and crispy, add the grated zest of half a lemon and chop the bread until you get a crumble, not too fine.

Salmone Vegano

Finally, heat 20ml of extra virgin olive oil in a pan and cook the vegan salmon over medium-low heat for about 2 minutes per side.

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For the presentation, spread the purple cabbage cream on the serving plate. In a separate dish, arrange the salmon fillets and sprinkle them with the lemon bread crumble. Then transfer the seasoned vegan salmon to the center of the cream and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil around. Garnish with a few sprigs of rosemary.
Serve immediately and enjoy this vegan dish rich in flavors and contrasts!